Certificates and their meaning

In Germany, there is generally no certification requirement for drinking water wells. However, the drinking water contacting components of the drinking well must meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance.

Nevertheless, some manufacturers have their drinking water dispensers certified in order to be able to offer a safe device that protects users and operators from damage.

We have a drinking water well SUSA DVGW certified. Production is carried out in strict compliance with the necessary hygiene standards, which go hand in hand with the certification requirements.

The most common certification of water dispensers and drinking water wells is currently the international NSF certificate (National Sanitary Foundation). Among them, there is also the one recognized throughout Germany DVGWcertification, which, however, is not valid internationally, as many countries prefer their own, market-specific certification models. In turn, in Switzerland, there is the SVGW-Certificate that generally has similar requirements to the German equivalent, but is not valid in Germany.

products with NSF-Logos have been tested and registered by the “National Sanitary Foundation”. NSF is the international registration that guarantees that the product can be used in the food industry without health risks.

DVGW stands for “German Gas and Water Association”. The certification is based on the requirements of the German Drinking Water Ordinance and therefore on compliance with it.

NSF certification (food and water safety)

NSF covers a wide range of food safety certifications, ranging from food industry equipment to certification of non-food products.

With their exceptionally high level of technical expertise, their continuously updated auditors and their ability to provide rapid certification, NSF laboratories are world leaders in certification — according to the NSF web site. It continues there:


NSF International certifies for the drinking water industry and thus contributes to the quality and safety of tap water. NSF supports the achievement of various standards and, as part of its programs in the area of water, tests and certifies both drinking water and water for sanitation, plastics that come into contact with water and wastewater.


This is the international standard for NSF drinking water system components. It ensures that no harmful contaminants can escape from the product or material or get into drinking water.


The drinking water system components certified by IAMPO R&T in accordance with the NSF/ANSI 372 standard ensure safer drinking water by reducing the lead content.

ADA & ICC A117.1

In simple terms, ICC A117.1-2017 stands for technical criteria for the accessibility of sites, facilities, buildings and related elements — such as barrier-free drinking water wells in this case. The way these concerns are addressed is very thorough, in a comprehensive approach to the many accessibility considerations that one must consider when constructing a new building. For example, the document uses clear illustrations that illustrate the dimensions to indicate appropriate distances, projections, ranges and acceptable routes, among many other concerns that a managing authority must consider when establishing accessibility rules.

This certificate is particularly important when planning a public institution, as it must be barrier-free according to law (e.g. DIN 18040-1 barrier-free construction - planning principles).

public buildings

Buildings that are visited by a large number of people who cannot be precisely identified beforehand are referred to as publicly accessible. According to the Model Building Code (MBO), barrier-free buildings must “... accessible and usable in the usual way, without particular difficulty and in principle without outside help” be. This means that all visitors should be able to use a building without restrictions, regardless of whether they are elderly people, people with small children or people with disabilities — of any type.

Section 50 (2) of the MBO states: “Buildings that are publicly accessible must be barrier-free in the parts used for general visitor and user traffic. This applies in particular to:

1. Cultural and educational institutions

2. Sports and leisure facilities

3. Health care facilities

4. Office, administrative and court buildings

5. Sales, restaurants and accommodation facilities

6. Parking spaces, garages and toilet facilities

With our barrier-free drinking water wells, you are therefore on the safe side when it comes to barrier-free construction.

DVGW certification/certificate

The drinking water regulations are, so to speak, the Bible for the DVGW (German Association of Gas and Water Sectors e.V.). In addition to various DIN standards, everything that the DVGW does or certifies is based on its paragraphs. According to the DVGW, no DVGW certificates are issued to water dispensers in general.

The drinking water well only has to meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV); certification is not mandatory or necessary.

The UBA (Federal Environment Agency) prescribes which assessment basis for plastics, metals and organic materials must be used in order to be able to use a safe drinking water well as an operator for dispensing drinking water.

These assessment bases can be found here and are based on the requirements of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority):

Assessment bases and guidelines

Evaluation basis for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water

It must be ensured that the device does not emit any harmful substances into drinking water so that users remain protected.

Conclusion: The DVGW certificate can be issued for devices that comply with the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance e. This means that the certified devices comply with generally accepted technical rules.

A DVGW certificate is therefore used to guarantee installers, operators and users the safest possible product.

Source: https://www.dvgw.de/medien/dvgw/wasser/management/rechtliche-wirkung-dvgw-regelwerk-wasserversorgung-2003wetzel.pdf

SGS Fresenius Institute

As one of the most important providers of chemical laboratory analysis in Germany, SGS Institut Fresenius enjoys an excellent reputation among producers, consumers and retailers, particularly when it comes to the safety and quality of food, beverages and consumer products.