Indoor and outdoor water dispenser
Welcome to Aquadona!
Germany's Next Top Drinking Fountain Model
We have the largest selection of drinking fountains & water dispensers of Europe.
We carry the best quality, brands and expertise available anywhere.
Our experts are happy to help!
More than 5,000 satisfied customers have been enjoying our durable water dispensers all over Europe since 2014.

Drinking fountain
The EU Drinking Water Directive provides for high-quality drinking water in public spaces. This Act was implemented into German law on January 12, 2023 with an amendment to the Water Resources Act.
Die EU-Trinkwasserrichtlinie sieht vor, qualitativ hochwertiges Trinkwasser im öffentlichen Raum zu ermöglichen. Dieses Gesetz wurde am 12. Januar 2023 mit einer Änderung des Wasserhaushaltsgesetzes in deutsches Recht umgesetzt.
This German explanatory video is intended to explain the FAQs of public water dispenser and put the basics in a good old "German nutshell".
Hier der Link zum Video auf YouTube:

Perfect for architecture, municipal and city administration as well as urban construction projects
We are Europe's largest retailer for drinking fountains and water dispensers. Before you start your construction project, we will advise you free of charge on all topics from planning to operation regarding:
Legal and hygienic prerequisites & responsibilities
Innovative hygienic flushing system against stagnant water
Freeze-resistant systems
Vandal-proof models
Contactless operation via sensor or foot pedal
Your individual project

ADA & child-friendly accessibility
Maintenance & servicing to prevent contamination
Costs of installation & operation
Self-sufficient systems
Your individualized drinking fountain in terms of color and style
Drinking water dispenser for your individual area of application
Whether you are looking for a pedestal unit or a built-in device for your building:
We have it all!
Europe's largest range of drinking fountains and water dispensers.
Benefits for schools, daycare centers, public institutions
and companies
Tap water is the most sustainable beverage
Water is the healthiest drink for our body
Less than 1 cent/liter for tap water is the cheapest thirst quencher

Healthier drinking and less plastic waste with Aquadona water cooler

Tap water is according toGerman Federal Environment Agency the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly beverage, because drinking tap water produces less than one percent of the environmental impact of mineral water. To be precise, it is approx. 100 times cheaper As bottled mineral water, has the Consumer Center established. In addition, for tap water, approx. 600 times less CO2 is being produced, in comparison to bottled water.
In order to reduce plastic bottle waste on top of that, we at Aquadona have set ourselves the task of further developing water dispenser (fixed water dispenser). A drinking water cooler in the company, office or school also helps to reduce plastic waste and increases health.
Our water dispenser stand for efficiency, aesthetics, healthy nutrition and clean blue oceans.
On the following pages, you will find our selection of water cooler and drinking fountains. The water pipes are automatically flushed every 4 hours so that bacteria and germs have no chance of multiplying. This reduces maintenance costs and increases hygiene.
By the way, we are the first in the world to develop the battery-powered hygiene system together with the American water dispenser manufacturer Murdock.
Just contact us — we usually respond within 24 hours on working days.
Benefits of our outdoor public drinking fountains
Low maintenance and long lasting
Has been proven to encourage people to drink water
Design a green and sustainable Environment
Safe against vandalism in public space
Contactless or contactless water tap
Automatic hygienic flushing without power connection
Barrier-free for children, adults & wheelchair users

Aesthetic design and hygienic water circulation
Cheapest and at the same time the most environmentally friendly drink
Individual configurable in shape, color and additional equipment
High hygiene standards for safe drinking of tap water
Your significant contribution to the environment through a low CO2 footprint (tap water produces approx. 0.35 g CO2 per liter, bottled water causes approx. 200 g CO2 per liter)
Things worth knowing about water dispenser
Do you have any question or would you like to know more about our water dispenser? All FAQs about our water cooler can be found in our FAQs.