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Indoor water dispenser

Hygienic water dispensers with fixed connection for indoor use. Free-standing, wall-mounted, as a table-top unit or undercounter — the choice is yours. Contactless release of the water jet or mechanically via push button, with/without cooling, water filter and hygienic rinse. We would be happy to advise you!

Hundreds of satisfied customers (check out our testimonials) only buy once, because our outdoor drinking fountains last for many years! Don't like it? Get your money back!

Festwasserspender Standgerät für BürosBüro-Wasserspender für den Innenbereich
Wasserspender mit Leitungswasser im BüroHygienischer Wasserspender für Büros

Buy a water dispenser and benefit from the benefits

With a water dispenser, you always have fresh drinking water. The water is freshly drawn from the water pipe on site and operation is hygienic and easy to use. The piped water dispensers with a fixed water connection are sustainable and can supply a larger number of people. Aquadona water dispensers offer the following benefits, among others:

fresh drinking water available at any time at the push of a button

best drinking water quality, tap water is the most heavily controlled food in Germany

hygienic operation, whether contactless via sensor, push button or foot pedal — you choose!

Sustainability thanks to a fixed water connection (and therefore almost free of charge)

simple and convenient installation & maintenance (if you wish, you can do everything yourself and reduce costs)

Mitarbeiter im Büro am Festwasserspender

Water dispensers for better health and a healthy environment

Water makes up a large part of the human body. So it's no wonder that we should consume around one and a half liters of it every day. Our water dispensers from Aquadona are available in a wide variety of variants so that everyone can eat the necessary amount of liquid. In addition, it is our self-imposed mission to provide a sustainable alternative to plastic water bottles that reduces pollution of the environment and the world's oceans. With our water dispensers, it is possible to supply many people with water simultaneously and permanently without plastic waste and to create and strengthen awareness of the environmentally friendly use of water resources.

By the way, the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) has provided 150 million euros for funding wired water dispensers. Read on our site furtherance Find out more or give us a call.

Why order fresh water dispensers from Aquadona?

Wired fresh water dispensers are our specialty. So that you get the right model for your individual needs, we have identified the best water dispenser manufacturers and, unlike many professional colleagues, can offer you exactly what suits your needs best and not what needs to be sold.

In a short phone call, we will therefore determine your building project. You will then receive your offer by email and, if you wish, a call back after a few weeks. You can easily order by e-mail.

With our water dispenser models, you can sometimes install and maintain them completely independently. As an option, we offer installation in many areas of Germany. We don't have any gagging maintenance contracts and subscriptions, because if you don't want to commit yourself and want to be on the safe side, just do it yourself.

Water dispensers in different variants for every need

From water dispensers with cooling to robust water dispensers for outdoor use, the range is very wide. Wired water dispensers allow quick water bottle filling or cup filling, while other models with an arc-shaped water jet allow direct drinking. The selection includes free-standing and table-top appliances as well as wall-mounted water dispensers. Depending on requirements and location of use, these versions offer various equipment. Thanks to a built-in thermostat, the water temperature for devices with cooling can be set between 4 degrees and 11 degrees Celsius. In addition, some models provide hot water with a temperature of over 90 degrees. Some water dispensers have corrosion-resistant materials and are therefore weatherproof. Such a water dispenser is suitable for publicly accessible spaces and has a long shelf life due to vandal-resistant materials.

The different designs allow you to order a water dispenser that is suitable for your specific space requirements. Whether it's a wall-mounted or free-standing water dispenser — at Aquadona, you will find a variety of designs. In any case, the water dispensers require a fixed water connection. The versions with cooling also require a power connection. Please note the features of the respective models in the product descriptions.

Aquadona water dispensers at a glance:

carbonated water dispenser, sparkling water

water dispenser with cooling

bottled water systems

Water dispenser for indoor and outdoor use

water dispenser with filter

System with option for hot water and sparkling water

bottle filling

wall mounted water dispensers

free-standing water dispensers

and other variants

Freistehender Festwasserspender