Gerrit Kubassa - Founder & Managing Director of Aquadona GmbH
Gerrit Kubassa
Founder & Managing Director of Aquadona GmbH

More drinking water fountains for EU and German citizen

More drinking water fountains for EU and German citizen

Drinking fountains are required by law in Germany since 2023

On a total area of 357.588 km², there are 1,300 publicly usable drinking fountains in Germany. But that is expected to change in the near future. Since Germany is experiencing an unusually hot and dry summer this year (2022), the Federal government, to oblige municipalities to provide their citizens with clean drinking water in the form of piped drinking fountains at all times. This should provide a basis against increasing global warming and achieve the EU's 17 sustainability goals more quickly, to which Germany has also committed itself by 2035.

The drinking water would come from the pipeline network and should be installed in as many publicly accessible locations as possible. — According to the Federal Environment Ministry following a corresponding cabinet decision. It should be emphasized that drinking water must be clean and free of pollutants at all times. — However, the Cabinet Committee is still awaiting approval from the Federal Council and the Bundestag.

According to a United Nations General Assembly on June 28, 2010, safe and clean drinking water is one of the human rights. According to the UN, water is an indispensable pleasure of life. Surprisingly, 41 countries still spoke out against it. This leaves plenty of room for wild speculation, such as the assumption that lack of water could be used as a means of pressure. We can currently see how this works in the artificially generated gas shortage. And yet gas isn't even essential to life.

Both Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and various Green Party politicians spoke out in favour of the above-mentioned cabinet resolution that clean drinking water, which is easily accessible everywhere through public drinking fountains, is one of the best heat prevention packages of the next few years. In addition, piped drinking fountains would save a lot of CO2, as this would reduce the production and transportation of bottled water. This is not an unfounded hypothesis, as around 438,000 tons of crude oil are required annually to produce single-use plastic bottles in order to be able to produce around 17 billion plastic bottles. And that is just the annual consumption for Germany, which is already very sustainable.

It is important to mention that not only humans but also nature would benefit from publicly available drinking water. More water from a drinking fountain means less packaged water, which can only be good for the environment.

What is the next step?

In addition to the 1,300 existing drinking fountains, 1,000 drinking fountains are to be added. According to the draft law, these water dispenser will be part of the public water supply in the future. Where and when how many fountains are set up is not entirely up to the stars, but cities and municipalities reserve a certain degree of flexibility. It is also not entirely clear whether the individual states will follow the Berlin Senate and transfer tax money directly to their own water suppliers in order to set up public drinking fountains. For example, the Berlin Senate has temporarily succeeded in circumventing free competition and favoring the state-owned company BWB with contracts by excluding competition. It remains exciting!

The EU provides for a general drinking water quality reform

At the end of 2020, the EU Member States had already agreed on a drinking water reform. Strict water quality requirements should be met. According to the new regulation, pollutants such as lead and environmental hormones such as bisphenol in particular must not exceed certain limits. Better access to public drinking water should also play a role in the reform.

Where should drinking fountains be installed?

According to the federal government, free drinking water is on the rise from the Baltic Sea to the edge of the Alps. New drinking water systems are to be installed in parks, pedestrian zones and shopping malls. These must be safe against vandalism, barrier-free and hygienic. At Aquadona, we meet exactly these requirements with our wired outdoor drinking fountains for public spaces. Just talk to us about this or find a suitable model yourself from our webpage off.

This drinking water fountain”Main“is located in the municipality of Wemding.

Free delivery of drinking water to restaurants?

Although publicly accessible drinking fountains should be a relief for all citizens, especially during the hot summer months, there are already initiatives against drinking fountains. Less publicly available free drinking water means more sales demands in restaurants. — At this intersection, an agreement must be found that satisfies both sides equally. — For me personally, the question is whether a recognized fundamental right of citizens should even be offered for sale. Not to mention the environmental impact of beverage transport and production, when the essential beverage can bubble out of the water pipe almost free of charge.

Although ddrinking fountains will become standard for public water supply and mandatory for cities and municipalities in the future, the needs of municipalities should be taken into account. It cannot be assumed that the same number of water dispenser can be “prescribed” to every municipality. Where there are already such water systems, it may not be necessary to create any additional fountains.


Gerrit Kubassa - Founder & Managing Director of Aquadona GmbH
Gerrit Kubassa
Founder & Managing Director of Aquadona GmbH