Our values and philosophy

“Everything came out of water!!
Everything is obtained through water!”

Faust, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Since 1991, the 2nd generation of Aquadona has been working for sustainable alternatives to plastic bottles and water has always been at the center of our attention.
That doesn't stop with the offer for fresh water dispensers.
Since 2014, the new managing director Gerrit J. Kubassa has been actively working to preserve the vital basic substance “drinking water” with various portfolios such as”Aquadona“and the portfolio protecting flora, fauna and aquatic organisms ”“, whose basic substance is formic acid, which keeps roads ice-free in winter in an environmentally friendly way and does not pollute groundwater, as road salt has done for decades.

Wasserspender mit Festwasseranschluss fĂĽr Schulen und KiTas
Ein öffentlicher leitungsgebundener Wasserspender

What we do

We support companies, schools, daycare centers and public institutions from planning to installing their water dispenser with a water connection. With part of our profit, we support educational institutions through free fixed water dispensers. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about drinking water wells!
Mit einem Teil unseres Gewinns fördern wir Bildungseinrichtungen und Städte mit kostenlosen Festwasserspendern.
Ihnen stehen wir bei jeder Frage rund um Trinkwasserspender gerne zur VerfĂĽgung!

How does the ordering process work?

Placeholder name 2

Placeholder Position

Placeholder name 4

Placeholder position 4

Gerrit Kubassa

Geschäftsführer & Inhaber
“Jetzt oder nie, ansonsten annehmen & loslassen” beschreibt den visionären Chef der Bande schon ganz gut.

Clara Beitler

Spezialistin fĂĽr Innenwasserspender
Das Büro ist ihr Zen-Garten - voller Ruhe, bis sie die E-Mails öffnet. Dann steht sie im Rampenlicht.

Manuel Will

Ingenieur & Vertrieb
Lässt die Katze aus dem Sack - Damit Sie nicht die Katze im Sack kaufen.

Freya Sieben

Unsere kreative Grafikdesign-Fee voller schöner Überraschungen.

Till Bönninghausen

Wir finden eine Lösung! Von DVGW 274 bis KTW-BWGL - unsere Leseratte weiß alles zum Thema Trinkwasserbrunnen.

Christoph-Michael Banzoussi

Fördermittelberater & Verkauf
Tiefe Bassstimme, ausgezeichnete Beratung - fĂĽr Kundenzufriedenheit mit WOW-Effekt.

Our values

In order to sustainably protect our planet's blue and use it efficiently, we specialize in drinking fountains and water dispensers with fixed connections. We hope that reduced plastic bottle consumption contributes to a positive waste balance or the so-called CO2 reduction, because every big sip of a drinking water dispenser with a pipe connection is a saved plastic cup.

Sustainable alternatives

Fixed water dispensers or drinking water wells on the water pipe are true efficiency machines. Instead of drinking water from plastic bottles or gallons, you can set up wired water dispensers in many places. This saves money, time and protects the environment.

Boost health & performance

The human body consists of up to approx. 85% water. During the day, the body loses up to 3 liters of water. The fluid requirement should be rebalanced, otherwise our well-being and motivation will decrease and therefore our health will suffer.

Fresh tap water prevents this and ensures that we still have energy for a fulfilling life even in the evening.

Promoting children & education

The consumption of water, such a vital resource for the human body, is also associated with a certain awareness — about us, our health and our consumption. Since we look at children and young people at a stage of life that is both the beginning of life and the future, we promote sustainable and conscious use of natural assets. In our case, in particular with water and therefore with water dispensers. We award up to a quarter of the prize to schools and daycare centers and are also committed to organising sponsorships.